The Apple Epiphany!
It's well known that Sir Isaac Newton had an interesting relationship with apples, since it was the apple that inspired some serious discoveries about gravity. We have all heard the story that Newton purportedly discovered the universal law of gravity by observing a falling apple. The embellished story depicts the apple actually falling on Newton's head, leading to the epiphany of the law of gravity. While we don't know the actual details, we can be sure that Newton probably never looked at apples the same way again!
Gravity might not be the first thing you think of when you think of apples, but there are several amazing facts about apples that will have you seeing them in a completely different light. Apples help reduce bad cholesterol, prevent constipation, protect against heart disease, and decrease risks of cancer. Apples are listed as one of the "super foods" for those living with various stages of kidney failure, and have also been known to effectively dissolve kidney stones. While apples are great for anyone seeking to improve overall health, it is the apple's low potassium content that makes it a suitable fruit for renal patients.
With over 7,000 varieties of apples ranging from the tart green Granny Smith variety to the sweet, wonderfully streaked Braeburn or Pink Lady apples, there is bound to be one that you will fall for. However, they all possess a similar high nutrition value. Apples are high in pectin, quercetin, and flavonoids. The pectin in apples is known to lower LDL or "bad" cholesterol, while the quercetin found in apples protects you from free radical cell damage. Flavonoids are defensive phytochemicals that have antiviral and anti-inflammatory affects. The high fiber and pectin content of apples help you keep a healthy digestive tract. And the list goes on!
Additionally, many people have benefited from the use of an apple derived supplement'raw, organic apple cider vinegar, which is made from ripe, fermented apples. Apple cider vinegar has been used to flush toxins from the kidneys and bladder. This supplement has also been known to fight bacterial and fungal infections as well as dissolve uric acid, which are at the core of many major kidney problems, including chronic renal failure, toxin buildup, kidney stones, and pyelitis.
While apples are low in potassium, apple cider vinegar has a bit more potassium. Thus, care should be taken when using this supplement to ensure that you don't exceed acceptable potassium levels in your diet, if you are combating kidney problems. Conversely, if you are not dealing with kidney disease, the potassium content should not be a concern. However, be sure to discuss the regular use of apple cider vinegar with your doctor to ensure there are no interactions with any other medications that you may be taking.
To use apple cider vinegar, add 1 tablespoon to an 8-oz. glass of water, and consume once a day or intermittently throughout the week. Apple cider vinegar can also be used in recipes in the place of distilled white vinegar (distilled vinegar is best used for cleaning purposes), or in salad dressings and sauces.
To sum things up, it seems that the old adage that "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" isn't folklore after all. And, now that you have had your apple epiphany, get stocked up on them and have an apple today!